Corporate Identity Number: U01119MH2011PLC221219 2011-2012
Incorporated on: 24 August 2011.
Business started on: 1 April 2012.
PAN Number: AAJCA7695K
Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) = NSKA05920F
Food licence No: 11513027003454
Constitution : Registered, Indian, Holding, Public Company Limited by shares.
Business: Trading of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables.
Registered Address : Sonje Plaza, Near Rahi Hotel, Opposite Bhaktidham, Peth Fata, Panchvati, Nashik, Maharashtra, India 422003.
Phone: 0253-2620768, 9326185588
Company Incorporation Certificate
Company Business Commancement Certificate
TAN Certificate
PAN Card
Memorandum of Association And Articles of Association (MOA and AOA Booklet)
Shop Act Licence
Food Licence
Annual Report 2011-12
Annual Report 2012-13
Annual Report 2013-14
Annual Report 2014-15
Annual Report 2015-16
Annual Report 2016-17
Annual Report 2017-18
Annual Report 2018-19
We are in organised fruit trading business.
We provide Kesar Mango to consumers at their location. Buy today, get tomorrow 7 to 11 am, at Nashik; through our Andriod App "Alive Fruits".
We buy banana from farmers and traders at sources like Savda, Chopada (Jalgaon), Shirpur, Shahada (Dhule), Rajpipla, Anand, (Gujrath), Lakhimpur (UP) etc. Company pay all the farmers and supplyer traders through bank only.
Our dedicated team of labours do the operations of Harvesting, Packing at source to make our Product in polybag. Our transporters give us service of full load open body transport from Maharashtra and Gujrat to Gurgaon, Haryana.
Company have sale shops at Nashik (Maharashtra) and Gurgaon (Haryana). We have own constructed 5 ripening chambers at Nashik on 2000 sqft rental space, functioning excellent; having capacity of 4 MT per day, from 2008. We have own designed and inhouse make 5 ripening chambers at Gurgaon Mandi, on 4000 sqft rental space; functioning excellent; having capacity of 10 MT per day, from 2015. At Nashik (Maharashtra) , Gurgaon (Haryana) and Azadpur (Delhi NCR), our employed staff, makes operations of unloading, ripening and selling. We sale all material in cash. Nearly 400 retail shopkeepers and hockers are our clients at Nashik and Gurgaon.
We developed inhouse our own ERP solution for our company; which controls all operations of this trading business. The purchase and sale rates are controlled by the system.
Invitation: Those who are interested in participating in our business are welcome to contact. We think that company is the collection of people who have same vision. So we invite the people in the company; who have the same vision. Also who are agree with the company's mission. Even though there is discripancy in vision and mission; welcome for discussion.